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Sunday, February 26, 2017

my thoughts on.... 'Clownhouse'

As with all of my reviews of films for The Creepercast, I fully recommend that you check each and every one of them out. I am one man and this is my opinion. I've seen plenty of movies that received reviews that were the complete opposite of how I saw the film. These writers, directors, producers and actors all put a lot of time and love into these projects. They deserve to be seen and appreciated for what they are. Everyone has a dream and I fully support the people that take the time to make theirs a reality. With that being said....

'Clownhouse' is one of those films that gets mentioned, a lot, as being a classic of the clown horror genre. I've been putting it off for years, because I was never in the right mood and wanted to let the hype die down. Over that time, it continued to cement itself on many critics 'best of' lists. Well, I finally took the time to sit down and give it a day in court.

Directed by the controversial director, Victor Salva, primarily known for the 'Jeepers Creepers' franchise and 'Powder' and stars a very young Sam Rockwell. 'Clownhouse' opens 2 weeks prior to Halloween, as we're introduced to 3 brothers who are enjoying a local circus. The youngest brother, Casey, is revealed to have an irrational fear of clowns after being asked to be a volunteer during the show. He screams and runs out, leaving his other two brothers behind. At this same time, we learn that 3 men have escaped from a local mental institution and promptly kill the 3 clowns from the show and choose to put on their makeup to.... hide from capture? After the circus, the 3 brothers head home to spend the evening alone, as their mom is away for the night. The oldest brother, played by Rockwell, makes some popcorn and puts in a scary movie for them to watch. As they're watching the film, the power goes out and the 3 clowns sneak into their home. The rest of the film, consists of the 3 brothers eluding the 3 clowns and eventually fighting back, as best they can. At some point, the police are called and things come to an end, with still no sign of mom.

After the movie was over, I started to question what all the hype was about? Why was this film considered such a classic? It felt more like a TV movie of the week or an 'After School Special' than it did a horror film. Don't get me wrong, I think Victor Salva has talent, despite his unhealthy fascination with young boys, but this is not his crowning achievement. The music, the cinematography, the script and the direction all felt so flat and uninspired. The actors all did the best they could, with what they had to work with, I can't fault them for that. Perhaps it was just dated or perhaps it was intended to be the way it was? I guess only Mr. Salva knows for sure. All I know is that I was unimpressed.

Let's take a quick moment to talk about the music. In any film, horror or not, the music should underscore the action and help to set the tone of what you're seeing. In 'Clownhouse', the music was designed to play up the fact that mentally unstable men were dressed as clowns out to terrorize a house of young boys. In small doses, it might have worked. The problem was is that it never seemed to end or let up. After a while, it actually began to detract from the film. It's overuse became almost comical. I don't know if it would have made it a better movie without it, but it might have made a little more tolerable. All in all, 'Clownhouse' was a giant letdown. A 2 out of 5 star film, at best and I think I'm being kind in giving it that much. Maybe I missed the point? Maybe I waited too long to see it? Maybe it really was just that bad? I don't regret the time I spent watching it, because now I can check it off my list of things I needed to see.

Give it a chance, as you might see it and really dig enjoy it. For me, I don't ever need to see it again.

If you want enjoyable clown based horror, check out: 'Killer Klowns from Outer Space', 'Clown' or 'All Hallows Eve'

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