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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Jeff's Really Short Reviews Presents: THE SNOWMAN (2017)

THE SNOWMAN is the story of a British detective (or was he American? its so hard to tell when Fassbender is the lead) in Norway begins with an obvious flashback that is so confusing when the movie starts its takes half the movie before you know who it was supposed to be giving insight too. Despite that, the film is full of amazing scenic filmography of the frozen wasteland that is Norway. I understand this is based on a book in which Fassbenders Detective Harry Hole (I giggled when I first heard his name) is likely a famous alcoholic tragic hero has a thing for solving serial killer crimes when he's not torturing himself. Ultimately what we have here is your typical crime proceedural complete with the obvious outcome. I must admit I think it was done better in the first season of Dexter. But, wehn the film finally got going the snowman concept was pretty clever.

If you like your tortured detectives hunting down serial killers with the most obvious results THE SNOWMAN is now available on all platforms.

Jeff's really short reviews are designed to breifly highlight those movies that Jeff either loves, or in some cases, hates, without any fluff in between.

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