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Saturday, October 22, 2016

5 Serial Killer Movies You May Have Not Yet Seen (and Should) #4 The Last Heist (2016)

There's no secret that some of our favorite horror movies deal with those creepy bastards that stalk us and want to do unspeakably horrible things to us. From 'Psycho' to 'Hannibal' they have endeared us with their quirkiness, style, and finesse. With glorious one liners and clever kills, they are a fascination both in fiction and reality. Hell, how do think the Creepercast got its name? Speaking of how we got our name, two of the films on this list helped make Creepercast great and connected us with amazing film makers and actors we now call friends. So, without further pontificating, here are 5 serial killer films we believe deserve your attention a little more than the rest...

The Last Heist (2016)

A vicious serial killer targets armed thieves inside a bank while police surround the building.

Written and directed by Mike Mendez, The Last Heist is a crime/serial killer mish-mash with Henry Rollins in the cold blooded killer role. Rollins has been a tour de force in independent films recently. With 'He Is Not Dead' and now this one, he's proven he can be the lead, kick ass, and still be the most humble bad ass Hollywood has ever met. Now, finally, we get to see Rollins turns on the creep as a serial killer that just happens to be visiting the same closing bank our rag tag outfit of robbers has picked to for the big heist. The title takes on a double meaning as the action and blood commences.

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