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Friday, January 12, 2018
joel.'s top 13 horror films of 2017.... #3
Every year, you never know what the horror genre is going to unleash upon the world. You have an unsuspecting audience, just waiting to have their deepest and darkest fears manipulated.... all in the comfort of an air conditioned theater or their home. Not every year has been full of winners, some have proven to be better than others, but 2017 has yielded some very interesting genre fare that is full of a little bit of everything under the sun. My fellow creeps, I've put together what I feel (in my humble opinion) to be the best of the best for this year. There were a few that were nudged out by only inches and that's not a bad thing. It just proves that there are more stories to tell and makes me dream about all the amazing scares yet to come. So, without further adieu, I give you my top 13 horror films of 2017! (based on release dates and not the years they were filmed.... although some may be in the last quarter of 2016.)
3) 'It Stains the Sands Red'
Independent film making doesn't have to mean cheap looking or bad. In the right hands, a smaller budget can be made to look gigantic. In this case, the idea was not to make a giant sweeping zombie epic on a budget, but to rather take the budget and make the story fit the money that was there. (I don't think the script was written second, but you get the point) Yet again, a film that just kind of came out of nowhere. I'd never even heard of it, until it came up for sale on a Blu-ray site I visit. It looked interesting and so I invested the time to check it out. What I got in return, was a bizarrely good zombie film with little to no zombies, action or over arching plot. Just a simple story of a woman trying to get to an airfield and then off to safety. That's it. Sounds simple, but this is so much more than the sum of its parts. I left this film feeling like I'd run a marathon and wanted to know the rest of the story. I cannot recommend this one more. If you love zombie films and think you've seen everything, then you should check out my 2nd, 3rd and 4th selections this year. Excellent films that will remind you why you love the undead in the first place.
Suggested snack to eat while watching: whatever you can find in your purse or pockets
The Creepercast,
Top 13 of 2017
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